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Religious Education

Religious education classes are offered for children from Kindergarten to grade 12. Children receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in grade 3, and Confirmation in grade 9. Preparation for these sacraments involves specialized instruction.

Religious education is a process that we hope will lead us to recognize that we are on a journey that begins, for most of us, as children with the Sacrament of Baptism and continues through adulthood until the moment we pass from this earthly existence to eternal life in the Lord. 

Religious education can help us to understand that this growing in faith is for everyone, that included in this process are sacramental preparation and the RCIA, adult faith enrichment and spirituality, classes for children in their faith, youth ministry, etc. To form someone in the faith is a lifetime undertaking; it does not end when there are no more religion classes offered.

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